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Jesus said to them, “You are to go to all the world and preach the Good News to every person.         Mark 16:15 New Life Version



The church supports mission both home and abroad. We do this by sending out our own members on short and long term missions as well as supporting missionaries from other churches. Below you will find information about people we support.

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Clarion Trust and Stephen Gaukroger

"The truth of the gospel can transform everything, from the life of one person to the fate of nations. Are we ready to share it?"

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Stephen grew up with so many of the Tanterton church family and is delighted to be prayed for and supported by the church family which continues to include his mum and sister!

Stephen’s ministry involves training Christian leaders who find themselves working in business, politics, medicine and the Church.

He teaches the Bible in conferences throughout the UK and around the world.  Some of the countries he visits are very difficult for Christians and so he can’t talk about the specific countries publicly without putting local Christians in danger.

You can find out more about the kind of things Stephen does on the Clarion Trust website.

Stephen is very grateful for the people at TCF and their faithful prayers for him and his ministry.

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Operation Mobilisation - Esther Hippel

"Take part in a global community of Jesus followers, united to share God's love"

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I was born and grew up in Austria, but my mother being from Preston, I am connected to Tanterton Christian Fellowship through her side of the family.

I have been working with Operation Mobilisation in Moldova since 2006, where over the years I have been involved in several local communities, being part of a few longer-term church planting projects, while also regularly coming alongside short-term outreach teams, but have also worked in administrative roles in the areas of finance and communications.

In Moldova OM focuses on mobilising and equipping local believers to become involved in God’s work in the world and in their own country, especially in those areas that have no true believers yet.

Moldova has a very strong Orthodox tradition, but few people have heard or understood the gospel. Believers are often kept from missions by lack of resources, lack of understanding of the need, or lack of conviction that God can use them. We offer information, training and practical mission experiences to local believers, and come alongside churches to help them reach out to local communities, e.g. by providing aid, which opens opportunities to share God’s love in word and action with the many people in Moldova who live in poverty.

My own passions are especially working with children, as well as helping younger believers grow in their faith and in confidence and understanding of how God can use them. I also enjoy creative work, e.g. in the areas of writing, graphics or photography.

Since 2017 I have been responsible for leading and developing our Communications work, which includes providing information for our international partners, who support our ministry in prayer and finances, but the main focus in these past years has shifted towards developing resources for Moldovan believers, which we use in our wider ministry of mobilisation, helping churches understand the mission needs in their own country and globally, and empowering believers to believe and experience that God can use them – whether in global missions or in their own everyday lives within their community.

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European Christian Mission - Gary and Ioana Stoll

"We want to see the peoples of Europe transformed in the name of Jesus Christ."


Gary and Ioana Stoll are serving with European Christian Mission (ECM) at the Christian Baptist Church in Piatra Neamt, Romania.

The partnership between TCF and the Baptist Church in Piatra Neamt goes back some 20+ years. Gary first went to Piatra Neamt with a summer mission team from TCF in 2003. His love for Romania grew over many years and in 2014 he and Ioana left their jobs in the UK, finally becoming full-time missionaries in the town. They have two children: Evelyne and Christopher, who were both born in Piatra Neamt.

There roles includes the following:

  • Childrens and Teens work in Piatra Neamt and two local villages: Bodesti and Bargauani
  • Families outreach
  • Supporting the local youth ministry
  • Biblical and Mission training of young leaders
  • Summer kids and youth camps
  • Preaching ministry and church elder (Gary)
  • Gary is also studying Theology part-time at Edinburgh Theological Seminary (due to finish in May 2024)

You can watch a short video of our work here


If you would like to sign-up to our regular newsletters then please follow the instructions on this link:

We are very grateful for the support of TCF and for the special relationship between the two churches and us.


Howard and Janet

Please pray that we might have wisdom to strengthen and bring encouragement.  And may a great number be brought to the Lord (Acts 11.24)

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Howard and Janet were founder members of TCF, before the Lord called them into
international mission.  These days, they are semi-retired, but still have a role giving
pastoral support to Christian workers across northern Africa.
They write:
Thank you so much, TCF, for your amazing support over so many years.  And what
changes there have been.  Thanks to your prayers and love, we have been given a
close up view of people coming to faith and of new churches being formed.
But there is still so much to do!  So many areas where Jesus is not known as saviour
and friend.  Large towns without a single Christian.  In some places, teams of
workers are bringing the light of the Gospel, but it is often tough going.  We do what
we can to give advice and to be a listening ear when problems arise.


Mim Friday and Faith Kembabazi

Missionaries in Uganda.


About Viva

Viva is an international charity/non-profit organisation whose vision is for all children to be safe, thriving and learning – and living life in all its fullness. We do this by building and supporting networks that unite grassroots churches and organisations to support children. Viva connects and builds the capacity of churches and organisations to collectively change children's lives through joint action programmes and increased city-wide influence.

Transforming the Lives of Children in Uganda

Twenty years of Viva and CRANE working together in Uganda has yielded amazing results. Hundreds of thousands of children have been protected from abuse while over five thousand have been placed into safe families. More than ten thousand girls have progressed along education paths that were out of reach to them before we stepped in to support their families. Individuals have been inspired and equipped to keep children safe. Workers have been trained to handle child abuse cases. Communities have changed in their attitudes towards children's rights and the importance of the family.

Viva and CRANE have successfully implemented several projects funded by institutional funders, churches, and individuals, offering the support and capacity-building needed to ensure that over 250 organisations, churches and schools can be more effective in their childcare. Our focus is to impact 100,000 children a year by investing in five areas where we have significant experience: Creative Learning Centres that get children back to school; training Learning Support Teachers in creative teaching; training teachers to include Children with Disabilities; improving the quality of care for children at risk; and keeping all children safe through improving safeguarding policies and procedures.

TCF’s support in Uganda:

TCF is supporting the training of more than a dozen slum dwellers to teach mothers how to safeguard their unborn and young children. Maternal and child morbidity and mortality remain stubbornly high in the slum communities of Kampala. The leading direct causes of maternal injury and death are preventable: excessive bleeding in childbirth; infections; high blood pressure; unsafe abortions; and obstructed labour. Indirect causes like anaemia, malaria, and heart disease exacerbate the problem.

CRANE's Maternal and Child Health training empowers peer educators with knowledge and confidence to teach essential health practices to people in their communities. Our team of thirteen peer educators share critical health messages with mothers in the slums. Key messages include malaria prevention, exclusive breastfeeding, immunization, early identification of danger signs in young children, proper feeding practices, HIV prevention, family planning, antenatal care and access to skilled delivery services.

Here are the websites:

Viva website


CRANE website
